Newsletter 18 July



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The Quantum Medicine NEWSLETTER

Have a good week!!!

 This is July 18th  newsletter!

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The full version is at the link:

These are the subjects:

1) Near-Death Experience: Find Out if You’re a Candidate

2) Exercise Improves Your Circulation, Extends Your Life

3) Money Skill #6. Shield It


 The thought of the week : "Always bear in mind, that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing".

Abraham Lincoln:








    Near-Death Experience: Find Out if You’re a Candidate

Experiences you have in the here and now could hint at whether you'll see a light at the end of the tunnel when you're close to the hereafter.

A new study finds that people who have had near-death experiences are generally more likely to have difficulty separating sleep from wakefulness.

Researchers surveyed 55 people who'd had a near-death experience (NDE) and 55 who had not. The experience was defined as a life-threatening episode such as a car accident or heart attack when the person experienced a variety of feelings, including:

  • a sense of unusual peace
  • alertness
  • being outside their bodies
  • seeing intense light

For 60 percent of those who had been through an NDE, the rapid-eye movement (REM) state of sleep intrudes into their regular consciousness while awake, the study found. Both before and after their traumatic event, these people had experiences that include waking up and not being able to move, sudden muscle weakness in their legs, and hearing sounds that no one else hears upon waking or falling asleep. Only 24 percent of people who had not had an NDE report this REM intrusion.

Inside your mind

The human arousal system is activated from the brain stem, a primordial control system that manages other vital functions like heartbeat and breathing. We all have a switch there that regulates between REM sleep and being awake, explained study leader Kevin Nelson, a neurologist at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. In people who have had an NDE, the switch is more likely to blend those two states.

"These findings suggest that REM-state intrusion contributes to near-death experiences," Nelson said. "People who have near-death experiences may have an arousal system that predisposes them to REM intrusion." The results are detailed in the April 11 issue of the journal Neurology.

Near-death experiences are seen by some as evidence for the paranormal, as a link to the world beyond. Not everyone who recovers from being near death or declared clinically dead describes the same eerie sensations, however. Nelson says that about 10 percent of cardiac arrest patients who survive had an NDE during the event.

In a Dutch study of 344 cardiac patients who had been resuscitated after clinical death, 62 of them, or 18 percent, reported an NDE.

What's going on

During REM sleep, many body functions are known to change. Muscles lose their tone, for example.

In a crisis, if the REM-state intrudes on an otherwise awake person, the lack of muscle tone "could reinforce a person's sense of being dead and convey the impression of death to other people," Nelson said. "REM-state intrusion during danger and brain impairment from lack of blood flow or oxygen could contribute to the experience of near death."

The intrusion might also explain the vivid scenes described by some NDE survivors, such as seeing their own bodies from above during surgery.

"One of the basic features of REM state is activation of the visual system," Nelson said. "REM-state intrusion could promote the prominent visual phenomena of near-death experience."

NDEs appear not to be dreams, however.

"Most dreaming occurs in REM sleep and despite the possible contribution to NDE by REM-intrusion, NDE and dreams fundamentally differ," Nelson explains. "Near-death experiences are recalled with an intense sense of realness that contrasts sharply to dreams.  Furthermore, NDEs lack the bizarre characteristics of dreams."

The new study does not answer the question of whether near-death experiences have a biological rather than paranormal basis, Nelson told LiveScience, but he plans further research in an effort to settle that issue.

For now, there are hints that biology and the paranormal might converge. Our emotions are controlled by the brain's limbic system, which is strongly active during REM sleep.

"REM-state intrusion provides a mechanism for robust activation of the limbic system, which is expected to underlie many of the paranormal, transcendental and emotional aspects of NDE," Nelson said.   


Exercise Improves Your Circulation, Extends Your Life


Slowing down the progression of peripheral artery disease (PAD) can be as easy as taking a walk in the park, at least three times a week. More physically active PAD patients, however, can reduce their risk of death significantly, according to a new study.


Scientists monitored the health of more than 450 patients with PAD, a condition in which fat builds up in the inner linings of arterial walls in the legs. The physical activity of close to half of the patients was monitored for a week while the rest were merely interviewed about their exercise habits.


Five years later, almost a third of the participants had died, including 40 percent due to cardiovascular disease. The real moral of the study: Those with lowest amount of physical activity tripled their chances of death. Even after adjusting the study -- eliminating patients who died two years after the study began -- more physical activity translated to lower mortality rates.


The trick about exercise: It can do a great deal of good against depression, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease, but only if you treat it like a drug that must be prescribed precisely to achieve the most benefits.   


Money Skill #6. Shield It

Making money is one set of skills Keeping it is another. As you work toward your financial goals, you will need to learn how to preserve the wealth you are creating. The new millennium is an infinitely more dangerous environment for wealth creation that were the 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's. New kinds of street gangs roam the streets seeking prey...hoards of attorneys looking for victims to represent. The worst mistake one can make today is leave large amounts of personal assets unprotected. You must learn how to get your homes, cars and business entities out of sight through corporations, trusts and family partnerships to build a financial fortress around your assets.

This information, which used to be available only for the super-rich, must be put to use by everyone. Why? Because if you're practicing your money skills, sooner or later there is a 100% probability that you will be sued...and any smart attorney will be able to look in the public record to find out what assets you have in your name. Therefore, the secret to smart money is to learn to live like a millionaire but be a pauper on paper. You used to be able to brag about your money. Not any more. Today, you don't want to be a millionaire...just to live like one. I, myself, am not a millionaire. Or even a multi-millionaire. I used to be. But not any more. That doesn't mean that I don't know where it is...and how to get to it. But the public will never know. You must protect yourself today against the catastrophes of tomorrow.

Here are the eleven basic commandments of financial protection.

1. Thou shalt avoid conspicuous consumption

2. Thou shalt avoid putting assets in your name.

3. The shalt never co-sign a loan for anyone, ever.

4. Thou shalt carry adequate liability insurance.

5. Thou shalt not serve on a board of directors.

6. Thou shalt avoid all "recourse" debt.

7. Thou shalt operate thy business from a corporate entity.

8. Thou shalt not go into business without a detailed business plan.

9. Thou shalt never enter a partnership without a simple, fool proof plan for getting out.

10. Thou shalt never put all of thy eggs in one basket.

11. Thou shalt always assume the worst. You'll probably be optimistic.



These are my Italian Sites: If you like, you could translate it with or with google translator. You'll find information on Quantum Sciences School, news, articles, Mp3, latest book on spirituality, health and quantum physics, with chapter descriptions  and interesting articles all my conferences with the objects about the Quantum School, ( quantum transformation, quantum healing, sinchrodestiny, Emotional Quantum Therapy, Financial Success, The power of Intenion,  in ADSL, 38Kb format and MP3.

So you can see me in action....... new site on money world view under a spiritual aspect.

          I Sell seminars as

- " It's easy to earn money....spiritually"; -

"  The Emotional Quantum Therapy"-

- " Psycho-Diet-therapy ": with quantum healing exercises

,- " Conference on What the Bleep to Know " soon also in English Language.

- " The power of Intention"

- Quantum Healing "

Gaetano Conforto





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