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The Quantum Medicine NEWSLETTER

Have a good week!!!

 This is April 17th  newsletter!

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The full version is at the link:

These are the subjects:

1) How to Develop a Winning Attitude

2) The Ultimate Drug for Treating Depression

3) Enthusiasm: Source of Boundless Energy

4) A

 The thought of the week    : "Goals are as essential to success as air is to life "  David Achwartz



    How to Develop a Winning Attitude


Man's ability over all other creatures on this Earth is the ability to think.  All successful people use this talent to improve their lives and control their own destiny.  Only you can take the initial step toward the unleashing of the power within your own mind.  


The power is awesome and at times can be frightening.  However, man has abilities of the mind that many people can not or would not believe.  Anthony Robbins has recently written a book entitled "Unlimited Power" which explains in simple terms the theories of Neuro Linguistic Programming, the power of the mind and how to gain control and use it.


Mr. Robbins refers to seven triggering mechanisms:


1.         Passion - a desire, an energy that gives you the fuel to reach your true potential.

2.         Belief - You will only make $100,000 this year if you first believe you can.  If you do not believe you can you are telling yourself you want it, but it is truly not obtainable.  The truth of life is that man's limits are self imposed by what the mind is given to believe.

3.         Strategy - A strategy is your game plan of life.  The road map you will use to accomplish your goals, ambitions and desires.

4.         Clarity of Values - Man must first determine which things in life are most valuable to him.

5.         Energy - Without the physical vitality to take action, nothing would ever come of our system to this point.

6.         Bonding Power - We have all known people that have exhibited the ability to get along with anyone and everyone. The ability to be a chameleon is truly the ability to connect with and bond with others.  The ability to build rapport.

7.         Mastery of Communication - To take charge and run your own mind.  


No longer allow our mind to run our lives, but rather take charge of our own mental abilities and cause them to work for our own accomplishment of success.


The Ultimate Drug for Treating Depression

More and more researchers and physicians are coming to the conclusion that exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in reducing the symptoms of major depression.

Group or Solitary Both Work

Many studies have shown that exercise in a group setting is highly effective, and new research is beginning to suggest that solitary exercise, such as workouts at the gym or a daily jog, can be equally helpful.

Better Than Zoloft

Research on the subject has demonstrated that:

  • 10 months of regular, moderate exercise outperformed a leading antidepressant (Zoloft) in easing symptoms in young adults
  • 30-minute aerobic workouts done three to five times a week cut depressive symptoms by 50 percent in young adults

Boosts Energy

One probable cause is that exercise affects key brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, but physical activity may also trigger positive changes in other areas, such as by boosting energy. A more intense exercise regimen may be the most effective for that purpose.

As depressed individuals may have trouble breaking into an exercise routine, however, starting on a small scale and building up may be the key to success.



Enthusiasm: Source of Boundless Energy


The word ‘enthusiasm’ comes from Greek and means God within (entheos). It refers to a divine spark or fire that burns within the breast of those with a passion for a cause, job, or life in general. “Enthusiasm,” according to Henry Ford, “is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.” Enthusiasm is all that and a lot more. Years may wrinkle the skin, but the absence of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. For this reason, Malcolm S. Forbes said, “People who never get carried away should be!”


Did you ever return from a hard day of work completely drained? You plop down in a chair exhausted. After hearing a ring, you get up and struggle to the phone. Your friend is on the line, enthusiastically describing a party taking place at his home. “Come on over,” he says. You know what happens next . . . Suddenly you find yourself filled with energy and on your way to the party. That is an example of the power of enthusiasm. It is a source of boundless energy. The trick is to expand your passion to include your job, family, and all that life encompasses. Once you do so, you’ll never be tired again.


Enthusiasm will not only make you more productive, but it will lighten burdens and make obstacles easier to overcome. You will have the energy to succeed. It will also make you happier, for as Charles Kingsley wrote, “We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief goals of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.”


Enthusiasm is contagious, but so is the lack of it. Look about. Are your companions moping around with glazed eyes? If so, maybe it’s because of you! Turn on your mental ignition; get excited, and you will find that your enthusiasm will spark theirs. When you are enthusiastic in the workplace, you inspire others and gain their cooperation.


How do we cultivate enthusiasm? Begin by being aware. Wake up and appreciate all that you have. What about your beautiful home? I’m not speaking about the apartment or house that you live in, but the universe. We are on a small planet, circling a minor star, which is at the edge of one of a hundred thousand million galaxies. Vast as the universe is, we can contain it within our mind! How incredible we are! Like the universe, we have unlimited potential! Isn’t that something to be excited about? Enthusiasm can be an expression of the joy of existence.


What about your job? You won’t be enthusiastic about it unless you love what you do. If you were unable to find a job that you are passionate about, make the best of the situation. Look for the good and the potential of your present job. Also, make a plan and take action that will lead you to the job of your dreams. It may be a long struggle before you get there, but like climbing Mount Everest, you will find the journey exhilarating.


Don’t waste time by hanging out with negative people. Stick with a circle of enthusiastic and optimistic friends. If you need more acquaintances, consider joining a club such as the Optimist Club or Toastmasters, for their members are usually enthusiastic.


We live in the largest room in the world. The room for improvement! The fact that we can improve ourselves is exciting. A sure way to inject some enthusiasm into your life is to take some adult education courses, read some good books, learn the martial arts, how to dance, or anything else. Embrace life and light the torch of others with your own enthusiasm.


Another helpful act is to keep a Gratitude Journal. Keep a diary or journal, and at the end of each day list at least five things that you are grateful for. This will help you focus on the positive and appreciate life. When done every day, Gratitude Journals can transform lives.


Finally, let’s remember the words of H.W. Arnold: “The worst bankruptcy in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm.”





These are my Italian Sites: If you like, you could translate it with or with google translator. You'll find information on Quantum Sciences School, news, articles, Mp3, latest book on spirituality, health and quantum physics, with chapter descriptions  and interesting articles all my conferences with the objects about the Quantum School, ( quantum transformation, quantum healing, sinchrodestiny, Emotional Quantum Therapy, Financial Success, The power of Intenion,  in ADSL, 38Kb format and MP3.

So you can see me in action....... new site on money world view under a spiritual aspect.

          I Sell seminars as

- " It's easy to earn money....spiritually"; -

"  The Emotional Quantum Therapy"-

- " Psychotherapy ": with quantum healing excercises

,- " Conference on What the Bleep to Know " soon also in English Language.

- " The power of Intention"

- Quantum Healing "

Gaetano Conforto