





The Quantum Medicine NEWSLETTER

Have a good week!!!

 This is Aprile 3th  newsletter!

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The full version is at the link:

These are the subjects:

1) Thoughts & Emotions

2) What is self-efficacy and how might it relate to cardiovascular health?

3)Taking Plavix With Aspirin Is a Deadly Combination

 The thought of the week    : " Concentrate on developing the firm conviction that you are Divine. With this conviction you can achieve anything " Sathya Sai Baba



    Thoughts & Emotions


One of the most important factors in the prevention of or recovery from illness is the state of one’s mind. Mental/emotional stress in all of its many forms is a common denominator in the cause and prolongation of chronic illness. If your life is overly stressful and, more importantly, you don’t take steps to help relieve the burden that stress places on your body, you will inevitably get sick.


If you are already sick it will be that much more difficult to recover if your stress levels are not dealt with properly. On the same token, when we look around us we see time and time again that the healthiest people, and those with the greatest longevity, are the ones with the best attitudes in life. Someone once asked one of the oldest living human beings on the planet, a 114-year-old man, what his secret to longevity was. His response was simply, "If it starts to rain, I let it." Nothing could sum it up better than that.


We all must learn to relax, let go, and just be. Unfortunately, the hard part is learning how to do this. It is also important to realize that the methods you choose to accomplish these feats may be totally different than the next person. Some people may choose to pray or meditate, some people may choose exercise, still others may choose drag racing! The point is that it doesn’t really matter what you do. However, to be truly healthy we all must find a way to diminish the effects that the daily stresses we experience have on our minds and bodies. We all must choose something.


If you don’t know where to begin, start by smiling. Better yet, rent a funny movie and laugh out loud. When you’re done with that, find something, or someone, to love. It doesn’t really matter who or what that is, as long you love it with all your heart.


What is self-efficacy and how might it relate to cardiovascular health?


Self-efficacy refers to the confidence in one's ability to behave in such a way as to produce a desirable outcome (Bandura, 1977). Self-efficacy makes a difference in how people feel, think, and act. In terms of feeling, a low sense of self-efficacy for a particular situation is positively related to depression and anxiety. High self-efficacy for a specific situation allows one to deal better with uncertainty, distress, and conflict. In terms of thinking, the strong sense of competence resulting from high self-efficacy facilitates enhanced cognitive processes and academic performance.


Finally, in terms of action, self-related cognitions are a major ingredient of the motivation process. Self-efficacy levels can enhance or impede motivation. People with high self-efficacy in a particular domain of human functioning choose to perform more challenging tasks. They set higher goals and stick to them.


Actions are preshaped in thought, and people anticipate either optimistic or pessimistic expected outcomes of a specific task in line with their level of self-efficacy. Once an action has been taken, high self-efficacious persons invest more effort and persist longer than those low in self-efficacy to accomplish a specific task. When setbacks occur, those with high self-efficacy recover more quickly and maintain commitment to their goals (Schwarzer, 1992).


Self-efficacy levels for specific cardiovascular health-related behaviors may be an important determinant of future cardiovascular health. Dietary self-efficacy, physical activity self-efficacy, and cessation of smoking self-efficacy are among the examples that will be discussed where self-efficacy for specific health-related behaviors likely plays a large role in future cardiovascular risk factor profiles.  



Taking Plavix With Aspirin Is a Deadly Combination


If your doctor has prescribed taking Plavix along with an aspirin a day to reduce your risk of a stroke or heart attack, forget it. That Plavix-aspirin combination almost doubled the mortality risks of patients who had diabetes and high blood pressure but had not suffered a heart attack, according to a new study of some 15,000 patients.


Adding Plavix was generally no more effective than taking an aspirin, a result that surprised researchers. No doubt, it shocked drugmakers Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis too: American physicians wrote 24 million prescriptions for Plavix alone last year.


Researchers should've expected these kinds of health-harming results, considering Plavix elevated a patient's risk of developing ulcers by a factor of 12 versus aspirin and Nexium. Just remember, aspirin isn't a safe, cure-all drug either and, according to one Harvard pharmacist, probably wouldn't have been approved by the FDA for over-the-counter use had it debuted today.


Your best alternatives to taking a drug to protect your heart:


  • Take a high quality fish or cod liver oil daily.
  • Get moving on an exercise program today.



New England Journal of Medicine March 12, 2006


USA Today March 13, 2006




These are my Italian Sites: If you like, you could translate it with or with google translator. You'll find information on Quantum Sciences School, news, articles, Mp3, latest book on spirituality, health and quantum physics, with chapter descriptions  and interesting articles all my conferences with the objects about the Quantum School, ( quantum transformation, quantum healing, sinchrodestiny, Emotional Quantum Therapy, Financial Success, The power of Intenion,  in ADSL, 38Kb format and MP3.

So you can see me in action....... new site on money world under a spiritual aspect.

          I Sell seminars as

- " It's easy to earn money....spiritually"; -

"  The Emotional Quantum Therapy"-

- " Psychotherapy ": with quantum healing excercises

,- " Conference on What the Bleep to Know " soon also in English Language.

- " The power of Intention"

Gaetano Conforto