






Conforto, Gaetano, La medicina della luce, Macro Edizioni, 2004


Medicina Funzionale:

- Textbook of Functional Medicine- Institute for Functional Medicine 2010

Medicine mente-corpo ( mind-body Medicine):

- Benson, Herbert, Mind Body Medicine- Medicina Mente –Corpo, Macro Edizioni, 2016

- Benson, Herbert, The relaxation response, Avon Books, New York, 1975

- Benson, Herbert, Relaxation Revolution,  Scribner, 2010

- Miller, Helmet, E., Deep Healing, Hay House, 2011

- Chopra, Deepak, Guarirsi da dentro, Sperling & Kupfer Editori, 1989

- Borysenko, Joan, Guarire con la mente, Sperling & Kupfer Edizioni, 1987

- Schlitz, Mariliyn, Consciousness & Haeling, Elsevier, 2005

- Emery, Marcia, The Intuitive Healer, St Martin’s Griffin Edition, 2000

Fisica Quantistica e Crescita Spirituale:

- Goswami, Amit, Physics of the soul, Hampton Books, 2001

- Goswami, Amit, The Visionary Window, Quest Books, 2000

- Wolf, Fred Alan, Star Wave, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1984

- Wolf, Fred Alan, The Spiritual Universe, Moment Point Press, 1999

- Nadeau, Robert, The non-local Universe, Oxford University Press, 1999

- Chopra Deepak, You Are The Universe, Rider, 2017

- Dossey, Larry, Healing Beyond the Body, Shamballa, 2001

- Hansen, Bente, Merging Spirituality with Quantum Consciousness,  Balboa press, 2019

- Penrose, Roger, Consciousness and The Universe, Cosmology Science Publishers,2017

- Chopra, Deepak, How Consciousness Became the Universe, Cosmology science Publisher, 2017

Medicina  spirituale:

- Bibb, O. Benjamin, La Forza Vitale della Mente, Armenia, 1994

-  Chopra, Deepak, Return to Wholeness, Wiley, 1999

- Dossey, Larry, Medicina Transpersonale, Red Edizioni, 2001

- Appelbaum, Stephen A, The Mistery of healing, Lumen Edition, 1999

- Benor, Daniel J, Spiritual Healing, Vol.1 – 2, Vision Pubblication, 2001

- Koenig, Harold G, The Healing Connection, Templeton Foundation Press, 2000

- Dossey, Larry, The extra-ordinary Healing Power of  Ordinary Things, Harmony Books, 2006

- Martina, Joy & Roy, La Magia della Guarigione, Life Edizioni, 2013

- Wolinski, Stephen, Quantum Consciousness, Bramble Books, 1993


La necessità della TQE ( Terapia Quantistica emozionale) nell’eliminare le origini delle emozioni nocive,

- Jhonson, Robert, Effetti delle Emozioni sulla Salute, Tecniche Nuove, 2003

- Charpentier, Gerard, Le Malattie e le loro Emozioni, Edizioni il Punto di Incontro, 2000

 - Citro, M, The basic code of the universe, Park Street pt, 2011

- Gawain,S., Living in the light, Nataraj Publishing,  2011

- Goswami A, The Quantum Doctor, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2011

- Chopra, D, Metahuman, Penguin, 2019

- Chopra, D, Kafatos, M C, You Are the Universe, Rider, 2018

- Chopra, D, Tanzi, R.E., The Healing Self,  Rider,  2018

- Dispenza, J, Diventa supernatural, My Life, 2018

- Dossey, L, One Mind, Hay House  2015

- Kushner, R.F., Lifestyle Medicine, Springer, 2018

- Green, B, La realtà nascosta, Einaudi,2012

- Weinberg, S, La scoperta delle particelle subatomiche,Zanichelli.1986

- Ostriker, J P, Heart of darkness. Unraveling the mysteries of the universe, Princeton University Press,2015

- Tripler, P A, Modern Physics, W.H.Freeman and company,2012

- Dr.Zhi Gang Sha, Soul Mind Body Medicine, New World Library, 2006

- Sanaya R, Spiritual Growth. Being your higher self,  New World Library,1988

- Bland, J S , The disease Delusion, Harper Wave, 2013

- Spattini, M, Guida alla medicina funzionale, Ed. Edra, 2019