

 1st Chapter           THE NEW PHYSICS OF HEALING



The way through which medicine considers the human body, both with its material components (the organs) and with its invisible components (thoughts, emotions, intention, love, joy, sadness, etc.) is based on a mechanical conception of seeing the world: the human universe is made of separated parts (there is a sick heart, a sick liver or a sick bone), and the task of the science is to find the possible causes, and the cures, that determined the illness.

Unfortunately in this perspective we confuse the mechanism of illness with the cause of the illness itself.

Until this paradigm will dominate, we will only have fixed organs, like the pieces of a car, without being even near to the causes that brought to the illness. Today the Psycho –Neuro -immunology, is trying to give the right importance to the psychological, emotional factors, like the primum movens that causes the lack of balance of an organ.

Even though the placebo effect hides in it the miracle of the mental action on the material, organic and biochemical world, instead of being deepened, studied, reproduced, it’s considered a polluting element in the study of medicines.



Let’s describe the new vision of reality traced by the discoveries of Quantum Physics.

All of the solid objects that surround us are made of atoms that are made of a nucleus and electrons that orbit around it. Our senses don’t know anything about this. The fundamental component of the atom is the void: in fact between the nucleus and the electron there’s a greater distance to that existing between the earth and the sun. The particles of the nucleus, the protons and neutrons, are made of smaller particles, the quarks, of whom we know six types.

We know that these particles also act like waves, that is to say they are fluctuations of energy and information in an enormous void, so they are not material things. The interesting consideration is that only the presence of an observer, of a mind, of a consciousness, is able to “collapse” into particles, therefore in the space - time, the wavelike nature of the subatomic particles. 

This phenomenon is of the greatest importance in the therapeutic field, as we will see later on. 

          The difference between the state of particle and that of wave is considerable: - the wavelike state – doesn’t have mass, does not occupy a specific position in the space, is present simultaneously in every point of the space with the same features and laws (hologram), is invisible, conveys energy, information, has its own consciousness and, as we’ll see, it’s light; - the state of particle – expects a mass, a quite precise position in space and time, it occupies space, it’s visible, even if in the particles accelerators we only see the tracks left from their motion. Therefore when we do not observe these subatomic particles, they are only waves of probability, mathematical phantoms that occupy any point of the space; but when we intervene with our observation, we transform the invisible, (what is not manifest, which is the wave), into visible, that is to say the particle (in quantum physic we talk about reduction of the wave, or collapse of the wave function). The path of creation is finally more and more clear.

The subatomic particles are not fixed in the space, but they fluctuate continually, that is they appear and disappear to existence to the speed of light: in this way the process of creation takes place millions of times every second.

  Nothing is static, nothing remains the same: that is true for an atheromatous plaque, for a granuloma, a tumor, in short everything (being made of photons which give a confused image constituted by light) submits to these quantum laws. Our brain, which is also made of non matter, void, frozen photons, has the great task to work as decoder of these quantum impulses, transforming quantum entities, coming from a quantum ocean that surrounds us and goes through us (quantum soup), into solid bodies, into tri - dimensional objects; it acts as a sensor and makes us do experiences through the sensorial perceptions, that will be the base of the early conditionings, and of the hypnosis of materialism: according to this decoding cerebral function, reality has been considered for what it is, but we know it’s just an illusion.

“Reality is an illusion created by the conspiracy of senses” (R. Penrose).

 Our bodies, organs, our molecules, which constitute the cellular biochemistry, the world like we see it, the reality that surrounds us, are only our creation; they exist because the electromagnetic information that comes to us from the invisible, quantum world, (that otherwise we would see like a fog in which intermittent lights swarm to high speed, constituting the chaos that goes through us and surrounds us) is interpreted, by the transducer activity of that quantum organ which is the brain, like solid objects, having therefore a mass and a space. We are the creators of not only what surrounds us, a beautiful sunset, a rose, a forest, a galaxy, a joy, a regret, but also of our physiology, as the informative network and the composition of our body is a quantum one (that is to say we are an energy-informative trouble immersed in the largest energy body of the universe, without line of solution, in constant exchange) ( see. Pic. #1 ).

A rose is such because our brain transforms an invisible, electromagnetic information, into an object that we call rose; same thing with the colours and the other human beings: what is “outside” is only a quantum soup in which every subatomic element interacts simultaneously with the others, exchanging information and energy. 



Regarding the quantum physiology, we should state that the thoughts are space-temporal events, of quantum nature, immersed in the space-time continuum.

They are vibrations, waves, that come and go, appear and disappear occupying for an instant a space and a place in the consciousness. When the intention (that is our will or desire) takes place, they condense creating the events, the matter. When we express a thought, an emotion, this event is transmitted to the quantum system of the body, like an electromagnetic wave, provoking consequences on all of the cells, and producing the release of mediators substances like the neuropeptides, the cytokines, the interferons, the neuromodulators, that represent the biochemical equivalent of the mental activity (local action of the mind).




      Maybe the most amazing contribution of quantum physics, that the physicist Henry Stapp described as the most profound discovery of science, is represented by the observation of the non-locality phenomenon, that will also be at the base of the rational of the Medicine of Light.

  The physical phenomenon according to which no system could get over the speed of light, and therefore two objects separated by a large distance would exist independent of one another, in the sense that the action on one of them would not change in a sensitive way the objective property of the other, was called “locality”. 

Unfortunately, even today, this element of the old paradigm makes us see things as separated from us, giving origin to what can be considered the largest harm for the psycho-physical health of man: feeling detached, separated and not affected by anything that surrounds us (we will see later on what it means in quantum healing).

Quantum physics, instead, showed with a lot of scientific tests, that between two particles that get away one from the other, there is a permanent and instantaneous action-communication form. Even if two photons were on two different galaxies, they would always continue to remain a sole entity. Their parameters, before the measuring, would only be a probability; after the A particle is measured, the B particle learns, instantaneously, information from A, without any apparent communication between them: in short, every particle knows what the other first contacted ones are doing. Between the two particles there is an invisible, instantaneous connection, as if A and B were a sole being. In terms of laboratory, the experimenter is able to affect the state of a system set in another place, very distant from him.

It’s clear that there is a very tight relation between our mind and the subatomic world of  “particles – waves”, that constitute the tissue of the universe, included the human body!

 Non-locality is the rule of the universe. The entire universe is a whole interconnected by an invisible, omnipresent unity, for nature is a network among the various parts of the whole, including the observer (us) as an essential element. In atomic physics we cannot talk about nature, without speaking at the same time of ourselves…….

The universe therefore appears like a dynamic net of inseparable energy configurations, whose basic constituent is light.

This great discovery compared to the “quantum unity Man” (quantum being) makes us understand that no man is an island, and that everything is interconnected with everything: men, plants, animals, minerals, the environment, are in continuous and intimate interaction, exchanging vital information for their evolution and existence.




From what I previously mentioned, we realise that time and space are not real entities, but they are only concepts created by the reduction, that is to see everything separated from everything, with a beginning, an interval and an end  (the particle - wave is not created neither will ever be destroyed, in fact it wasn’t born and doesn’t die). If a transmission among elements previously united happens instantaneously, it is obvious that there doesn’t have to be space between these quantum elements, neither time is necessary for the information to arrive.

The “quantum unity, Man” is proportionally an enormous void, like the intergalactic space: an enormous empty space, where there are scattered spots, points of electric charges that appear and disappear and whose limits are artifacts of our sensorial perceptions; in fact we are part of a cosmic body that constantly exchanges information with itself; besides it is in continuous dynamism, even though we seem to have the feeling that no changing takes place: actually the human body is a rapidly changing field of energy and in dynamic exchange with the rest of the universe, which is also a field of energy.

However, we will better understand these concepts, that are so important for the human health (time dependence is one of the causes of heart and circulatory disorders) by describing the forces that work in nature and the new classification of reality:


On the subatomic level there are some forces (that come from the so-called virtual particles), included the electromagnetic force (that keeps the atoms and the molecules united), the strong force (that keeps the particles of the nucleus united) and the weak force (that provokes some kind of radioactive decay). These forces are carried by particles-waves called bosons, of whom the photons that carry the electromagnetic force are part. There’s also a particle-wave not yet observed, called Higgs boson, that the physicists of particles believe can give a mass to the particles. The force of gravity, in the quantum theory model, is not included, because in the atomic realm it is weaker than the other forces but, however, it’s important in the universal creative act.

These four forces, that are at the base of all the material creation, being every part of the creation dependent on them, are moreover fields of the intellect and dominate in the quantum reality. They show themselves like sounds, structures, forms, objects, tastes, that is to say the whole of subjective and objective feelings. These forces are arisen from the unified field from which the infinite variety of the universe also takes origin: matter, energy, space, time. In the well-known Einstein equation E=mc2, we should add the intelligence, the information, the knowledge and the consciousness.




The unified field, postulated by the physicists, corresponds to the unified field of the ancient eastern traditions, whose features are the same; it is a field of intelligence, of consciousness, of information and forces. To a fundamental level, matter, energy, time, space and information are the same thing: they are condensed void. That will be useful to us again in the Psychology of Light.





According to quantum physicists, reality and existence can be schematized on three levels interconnected among them and of whom whoever can be aware if the attention is directed on each level. With these three levels, reality flows continually from one to the other: the so-called river of life. (see. Pic.#2)







a)  material level: it is the kingdom of our senses that is constantly bombarded by the quantum impulses.

There belong all the things that we see, we touch, we hear, we smell, we taste, together with the subjective perceptions that we developed during the time and that represent our way to see (to create) the world. All the matter, according to the physicists, comes from the unified field (the whole of the invisible, quantum and virtual levels). Unfortunately this level is an illusion, given that our senses actually receive only electromagnetic waves, charges of information and energy, in the form of photons: it is the interpretation of the brain that gives us the sense of separation between us and the environment that surrounds us.

But do we realise how many wars we’ve done, and still do, because of this illusion? Neither medicine is exempt from the effects of this separation.

All of this brought to the construction, during the last centuries, of the paradigm that influenced all mankind and on which medicine (together with the other social activities) has imprinted its progress and its knowledge (and its limit). Today we know that this paradigm is very incomplete, if not misleading, because it constitutes only an interpretation (moreover wrong) of reality: our vision of the body is bound to the Newton physics, where all the parts, separated among them and not intercommunicating, have to be studied in their correlations.

This paradigm (that is to say this mental, stabilized process) is also defined “superstition of materialism”: it’s existed in science for a long time! The objects “out there” are separated from one another in space and time, and all the logic system is immersed in this superstition that makes our sensorial perception crucial in judging the reality.

  This happens even though our Nervous System, bombarded by about a billion stimuli, filters only a part, according to our previous knowledge, rejecting the others.

The material world is the creation, the final action, of an idea, of a concept, of an intention that comes from a mind that is not part of this level.

In the material kingdom there are all of the problems that take a physical body to the ruin, and therefore the development of illnesses as we know them: thoughts of isolation, depression, discouragement, fears, guilty feelings, regrets, familiar, working, economical and social dissatisfactions, resentments (it is the kingdom of the ego): all invisible manifestations, consequent to a wrong perception and interpretation of the world, that become visible in the rising of the illness. Also the concept of working at this level, both with medicines and psychotherapy, brings  inevitably iatrogenic illnesses and makes the intelligence of the body send back other symptoms to other parts, to attract the attention of the mind on the true causes.

It has been seen that smoke, hypertension, cholesterol, the familiar history, can be risk factors for coronary illnesses; but the true causes, of whom these are a result, are the personal state of unhappiness, the relations based on interest and not on reciprocal love, and the dissatisfaction at work.

All these factors are only interpretations of primary knowing sensorial experiences, therefore related to our past, that are perceived and interpreted in such a way that can make the difference between survival and death.

If work were meant to be a service to offer to the mankind, and of course we would even get emotional and economic satisfaction, there couldn’t exist the state of unhappiness that characterizes most of the workers: what dominates is the concept, the idea, the notion that work is a necessity to survive and to earn that more and more aleatory money, on which (here’s another wrong interpretation) we make our health depend.

  It’s only an interpretation! But it’s capable to provoke great biochemical imbalances and therefore alterations in the PNEI axis (Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine –Immunological axis ) with consequent pathological alterations.

A lot of data confirm that our body should not be interpreted from the material point of view, but must be considered a field of ideas, and these ideas do not take origin (as we will see later on) from the brain or from any other organ, but they are in every part of the body. First they are in the field of infinite possibilities (the virtual level), and then become amplitude of probability (quantum level, realm of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ), and finally they become material expressions, simultaneously, in every cell of our body. These ideas, moreover, are not confined to our bodies, but they are part of a global mind and pervade the whole consciousness of all the universe at the same time.

For every single emotion, idea or thought perceived and interpreted from us, there are corresponding molecules, different ones according to the quality of the emotional input (if positive, there will be molecules of joy, endorphins, increase of interleukins; if negative there will be the production of substances harmful to the human health).






b) quantum level: this is the level that quantum physicists began to investigate in the second decade of the past century and continue to investigate with wonderful discoveries all confirmed and applied to the modern technologies (computer, fax, mobile phone, modem).

It’s in the accelerators of particles, long underground tunnels through which the subatomic unities are “shot”, from whose trails, like those of the comets, we deduce their presence.

The study of this level represented a scientific revolution that, unfortunately, is consuming in silence, likely because the shift of the vision of the world is not an easy thing, as changing our own habits even if wrong.

We’d rather be slaves of a system entirely destroyed by the  new physics, than be creators and responsible for our own life! (This is the purpose of spirituality). Maybe when Einstein referred to the mysteries of God, he likely hinted at the knowledge of the mysteries that the photon (fundamental quantum unity of electromagnetic energy) would have brought to light.

The quantum level is invisible to our senses. If we had a pair of quantum glasses, we would see a confused cloud (quantum soup) where fluctuations of energy would show up in the form of light, appearing and disappearing to existence a million times every second (quantum sparkling or show of light); among these field troubles there’s also us, with our bodies and our thoughts.

Both time and space begin to appear at this level; energy turns into matter (remember the collapse of the quantum wave provoked by a human observer, confirmation of the fact that we are creators of matter); here the light is born, the photons picked up by our brain become our thoughts, to believe gives origin to the reality (faith works at this level), the events are uncertain, for they can be driven by the human mind, (in fact we can only measure the probabilities), here there is the contemporary presence of waves and particles that alternate themselves and birth and death happen at the speed of light.

It is likely at this level that God works, changing the quantum information and materializing His thoughts. The quantum level corresponds to the field of mind (that can also work at the virtual level) which is in a position to work on the subatomic matter- energy and create the material world. God and us are co-creators of the universe. Doesn’t it feel as a miracle? In fact this is the place where we can meet the Divine energy, whose essence is still set on a deeper level (the virtual one). 

 The quantum level represents the zone from which we come, where light is born: as everything else, we are light into the light.




c) the virtual level: this is the level where neither space nor time exist (but only eternity), light is at the virtual level, just like energy and thoughts are virtual; therefore it is eternal and not measurable; it is in the space among the subatomic particles and it constitutes the origin of the universe. It has no limits, for it’s also called the Whole. At this level creation never took place, in fact the birth of the universe never happened, therefore neither the Big Bang, since everything is virtual at this level.

 Therefore we can say that creation is a continuous process that starts from this quiet level, out of time and space, the invisible void where likely God and our spirit dwell, that is to say our eternal component that is constantly with us, without judging, and that observes all that happens to us, but that can be contacted to flow from this level to the quantum one and, finally, reveal itself on the material level as intuition, feeling of peace, of love, of joy, of bliss, of unity of consciousness: these will be the feelings that all our cells will experience.

The virtual level never gets sick, the illness is the physical expression of a quantum imbalance (the therapeutic touch, working in the quantum world, balances the human energy field). At this level all the energy is stored before the creation; in every of its points there’s space, time and the whole material universe, and this will continue for eternity, never ending the supreme creative act.

To carry out his function the virtual level, also called pre-quantum level, presents some features that make it unique: it has an infinite silence, an infinite organizing power, an infinite creative power, an infinite dynamism, and it’s able to correlate, in an infinite way, infinite space-temporal events. It’s from the virtual level that the spiritual awakening gushes out when the moment comes, as you acquire a new consciousness that usually escapes the normal perception; however the brain has to transpose this virtual invisible information into perceptions having a time and a quite precise space: so you have the fusion of the material world with the virtual, spiritual world. We should not consider the virtual realm as separated from our person, it is rather inside us, in every moment: what matters is its knowledge and the attention we pay to it: in fact, if we sharpen our consciousness, we can receive a lot of revelations, intuitions, and also information that pertain eternity (I will talk about it later on regarding the sub-manifest order of being) and the mysteries of life.





To comprehend the new physics of the Medicine of Light, we can understand what’s no more acceptable in the old physical model and replace it with the new one, that of quantum physics ( as described by Amit Goswami in the visionary window ):

a)           causal determinism: according to this, to every cause there is an effect. Once established, once it begins, a cause will inexorably give place to a quite precise and constant effect. At the end of the 19th century we thought that two parameters, like position and speed, were enough to determine any property of a body (see the planets or other moving bodies). Physics thought to  be able to explain everything. With quantum physics the cause-effect prison doesn’t make any sense. Any action can be influenced, determined from our observation and from the tools we use to observe it (Heinsenberg uncertainty principle): finally the man, that according to the old paradigm had been banished to simple subject, victim of the various laws of cause- effect in force in nature, becomes the aware person in charge of everything that happens in the universe and in his body.

So, by deciding to be observers, we work in the quantum soup of the universe made of non-matter and therefore omnipotent: this is a vibrating, omnipresent, non local field of infinite frequencies (we will see how this puts the bases for the multiple dimensions) rich of energy and information. As a result of our observation, we create (for the quantum action of the brain that reads in an holographic way) the experience of our body and of that of the universe, in space and time, with a beginning, an interval and an end.

b)           continuity:  according to the classical physics, anything changes following its own continuity: a line of force cannot be interrupted to continue like before. If I throw a ball, it will follow a way to arrive to the final point of its trajectory.

Instead, with the quantum experimentations, we saw as a ball, being a quantum object, appears and disappears on the way millions of times every second; the phenomenon is known as quantum leap: the electron succeeds in passing an obstacle, or an orbit, without covering the way it should according to the concept of continuity, but it disappears to reappear in another place, as if it passed continually from the material kingdom to the virtual one, and vice versa. Today we’re able to transport a quantum state and even atoms to a remote location (the phenomenon is called teleportation): in a French laboratory they are also studying how to teleport molecules.

c)           locality: according to the Newton paradigm (even Einstein was a supporter) two objects, two systems, two structures, two entities set on a higher distance than light, are not in a position to exchange information if not through permitted, well-known means (by messenger, by mail, by telephone, by fax). With quantum physics this has been abundantly overcome: there are communications beyond 10.000 times the speed of light! In fact we talk about non-locality and not of communication: the interaction of the observer with a quantum system is immediately felt on the other system, whatever the distance, as if there were an instantaneous consciousness between systems linked by an intention. Non-locality is a rule in the universe.

d)           Strong objectivity: according to this principle, consciousness (abstract, invisible, but very “real” term) and matter cannot be related: they are two entirely detached things. What happens in the surrounding world would not be influenced by consciousness. In the well-known world (the material one) the objects move and interact thanks to intrinsic properties independent of the presence of man; shortly, our mind cannot influence the cosmic order of things.

Quantum physics, instead, established what follows: we influence the waves of probability of a quantum event; our consciousness is essential to determine the manifestation of reality. Man acquires a major role in the creation.

e)           material monism and reductionism: all is referable to the matter and its composition, atoms and energy.

What the new physics discovered is that solid objects are not material but immaterial things, made of energy and information, in an enormous empty space:  there’s not a thing as a person, but there’s a quantum whirling directed by a superior intelligence that works from the virtual level (God, our Spirit). The decisive discovery was the wave and particle property of the electron, intimately joined with the human mind. An intention, an experimental protocol, a tool of observation are decisive factors on how a quantum system will act: either as a wave or as a particle. The new scientific applications ( fax, TV and, shortly, quantum computers) were possible thanks to this property of the “matter” discovered by quantum physics and also mathematically proved (with the Schrodinger formula on the wave function).

  If medicine exploited these properties also on a therapeutic level, and not only on the technological one (TAC, PET), we would have new possibilities to face illnesses.

 e) epiphenomenalism: this complicated word refers to the fact that all that has to do with our mind, our consciousness (thoughts, memories) is a result of the action of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, receptors, and second messengers.

          Therefore, we can alter our thought and perception structure, by working on these substances: it is true that drugs, alcohol, smoke, psychotropic drugs interfering with our mind, can make us experience ecstasy, bliss, heaven on earth, but it is also true that they can take to slavery ( the regular psycho-physical dependence), alienation and death whoever uses them. Their action is an interference with the perfect plan and intelligence of our mind, of our consciousness and our soul.

          It’s not the same thing to experience ecstasy in a “natural” way by producing endogenous psychotropic drugs in a spontaneous manner. Of course, it takes a lot of study and practice to contact the quantum and virtual kingdoms, it is necessary to have faith in these realities that are more real than the material one; but the new consciousness and illumination that can come from practices like meditation, prayer, contemplation and selfless service, are the spiritual path that takes us to be co-creators with God and also part of a whole that expresses itself in various forms. Therefore, even this paradigm has been dismantled by the new physics: it is the consciousness, the reality of everything that, flowing through the three levels of reality, that is to say from the sub-manifest order to the manifest one, is expressed in the neurotransmitters, in the receptors and in the cerebral structures that will interpret the quantum chaos as a fine thought, a joy, a bliss, a peace, all necessary things to have a health always at the service of human evolution